By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Technology in the World of Entertainment

Entertainment. A word that increases your curiosity. Something that gives you pleasure and happiness.

Technology. It transcends all the realms of reality and surpasses human knowledge.

What if we incorporate technology into entertainment? The answer is simple. Blending technology and entertainment together gives rise to a new type of technology known as Entertainment Technology. A perfect combination that holds the potential of transforming the world of entertainment. 

Incorporation of tech-related equipment is taking the entertainment industry to the next level. Over the past few years, technology has witnessed great advancements and so has the entertainment world. Nowadays, it can be clearly seen that the entertainment industry depends on the technology. From TV to video games, and sports to social media, every bit of entertainment source has gone digital. 

Time has changed, technology has gone too far, the entertainment industry has become developed, but humans' love for entertainment hasn't undergone any change.

Entertainment technology and humans' preferences: 

While the interest of humans in entertainment is the same, their preferences have evolved significantly. Now, ways of being entertained are optimized to a considerable extent. 

Gone are the days when one could spot kids playing outdoor games with ease. Now they remain glued to their mobile phones, either chatting or browsing the internet. TV, video games, and social networking sites have changed their preferences. Losing interest in outdoor games and turning to technological equipment for entertainment is evidence of the evolution of entertainment technology. Gully cricket is now considered an age-old way of playing cricket because game apps have taken over. Same is true for other games such as ludo and chess. Computers and laptops are nowhere behind. More and more people now look at them as their entertainment buddies. "Netflix and chill" is a new mode of entertainment these days. Its rival, Amazon Prime, is also coming up with a variety of attention grabbing shows.

There was a time when we only had limited choices in entertainment. With access to smartphones, now people have so many options to choose from. They can stay online from anywhere, listen to music, watch movies, and so on. Having said that, now people's preferences for seeking entertainment lies in the technological stuff only. Needless to say, entertainment technology is enhancing the experience of a user to a great extent.

Entertainment Technology and Cinema:

Application of technology in the entertainment industry like cinema is skyrocketing it to new levels. With this, people are becoming more creative. Filmmakers are using a variety of smart devices, software, and systems to put their ideas and creative imaginations in movies. 

Extensive use of CGI and other technological effects make a movie that is embraced by the audience whole- heartedly. For instance, one of the biggest box office hits of all time-- Avengers, exhibits the artistic thinking of the writer which cannot be implemented without making use of technology. Indeed, the whole film industry has changed due to technology over the past few decades. 

Entertainment Technology and Music:

New recording technology, new musical technology, and listening technology has paved a way for the new music industry. Not so long ago, people would listen to radio and record tapes. But now, a variety of music apps like Spotify, Wynk music, have replaced them. Rather than building excitement to buy a record or CD, we just tap the button, and listen to the song in a matter of seconds. 

From creating remixes to modifying an old song, musicians are using technology to create a fresh outlook on tracks. Understanding of technological effects like auto tuning, and music software is all it takes to make a successful artist these days. Now, both artists and fans are using different technological platforms for different music-related activities and content.

Entertainment Technology and Gaming:

With new inventions in technology, the gaming industry has seen enormous growth. Around 2.5 billion people are playing online games these days. The increase in the number of gamers across the world provides evidence that technology has contributed a lot to the gaming sector. It is one of the industries to really feel the winds of technological change. 

Now tastes for games have transformed from physical to mental. Multiplayer gaming has taken the place of a sportsground whereas mobile phones have replaced playballs. Today, sound effects, graphics, and VR games are providing a real time gaming experience to the users. 


Technology has completely modified the face of the entertainment industry. As we are entertaining into the tech-savvy world, our reliance on technology for entertainment purposes is also growing. Emerging technologies are introducing us to new modes of entertainment everyday. With this, users are having a great experience. Undoubtedly, the entertainment technology is here to stay.

What kind of tech-related equipment do you use for entertainment?

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The World of Science Fiction

A newborn zombie has entered into the uninhabitable planet. He has learnt techniques to fly using his missile sticks, and will soon reach the moon. Surrounded by several UFOs, his house looks like a graveyard placed in the center of the beautiful gardens. He has tried to call his  mom many times but didn't get any reply, much to his disappointment. Now he is eating robots to satisfy his hunger in the scorching heat of the sun. But the day is not far when he will die of a drought.

What is this? What is going on there? Science fiction, that's what.

Whether we talk about movies, web series, or novels, science fiction has always been a favourite topic among the makers and writers. Ever since this genre has gained popularity, it is building mental resilience in the people. 

Now I have a question for you. Does science fiction look like an unfamiliar topic to you? Well I guess your answer is no. Most of you must have watched a science fiction movie or a cartoon at least once in your lifetime. But do you know what science fiction is exactly? What are its characteristics? Is science fiction all about science and technology? Don't you know? So let's dig deeper to find answers. Get ready for a trek into the world of science fiction! 

What is Science Fiction?

Science fiction or sci-fi is one of the most innovative genres in literature. It tells about the imaginative prose that often speculates on the nature and direction of human knowledge. Being based on scientific content, it consists of a wide range of plots or themes that deal with scientific advances, usually set in the future. 

Science fiction, as distinct from fantasy, often reflects on the world containing elements of advanced technology, that is completely different from the world of our time and place. 

Whether it is about robots, superheroes, alien invasion, or space travel, science fiction has everything-- you name it.

Now let's have a look at a brief history of Science Fiction.

A brief history of science fiction:

Although it seems like science fiction has flourished within the last century, this genre has its roots in development several hundred years ago. The history of science fiction dates back to time before science fiction started to take shape. From "True history" (2nd century) to "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" (10th century), "One Thousand and One Nights" to "The City of Brass" (13th century), science fiction novels have been emerging ever since. But until the 17th century, it was loosely applied. It was during the 1800s when a true sci-fi novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelly shaped the modern science fiction genre. It completely broke the mold of the traditional sci-fi novels. Later on in the 20th century, publications of several sci-fi novels by authors like H.G. Wells, Hugo Gernsback, and others paved a way for the popularization of the science fiction genre. Many historians believe that the 20th and 21st century is the golden age of science fiction when it came to be considered a true form of the literary genre. 

Now sci-fi has become increasingly popular in different aspects like movies, novels, games, cartoons, and some other sub genres. This genre is still extremely strong today and has a long way to go. 

What are the Characteristics of Science Fiction?

When people hear the term science fiction, they tend to think of space, aliens, and things far beyond our reach with today's technology. Though this is not always the case. Needless to say, this genre uses scientific discoveries or advanced technological developments to a considerable extent. But, it doesn't necessarily involve the aspects of science and technology. Science fiction focuses more on things that are speculated to be possible with the futuristic concepts. Speaking of which, besides technology, a sci-fi novel or movie can also have long addressed events including diseases. 

Some other characters or elements of science fiction are:

• Biological aspects of fiction like alterations of human bodies or enhancing physical capabilities.

• Evolution of life on different planets.

• Development of a time machine, and devices faster than speed of light.

• Changes in the settings of Earth and formation of a parallel universe.

• Expansion of super intelligent robots-driven universe.

Science Fiction Movies and Novels:

With the filmmakers and writers using science fiction to reflect our expectations, aspirations and adventures, superfans of sci-fi movies and novels seem to be increasing.

There are many movies, if not all, based on sci-fi novels or an adaptation of the source material. Such movies are our key to an unknown world or universe. They arise wonder, awe, and hope for alternating mindsets. From classics to hot new releases, dystopian rebels to super intelligent robots, the sci-fi tales tend to get the pulse pounding, and expand the mind of viewers. 

Though there are plethora of sci-fi movies and novels, some of them are listed below:

Sci-fi movies:

• Annihilation by Alex Garland

• War of the Worlds by Steven Spielberg

• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by  Michel Gandry

• Metropolis by Fritz Lang

• The World's End by Edgar Wright

• Dark City by Alex Proyas

Sci-fi novels:

• The Modern Prometheus or Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

• The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

• Earth Abides by George R. Stewart

• The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

• The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut

• Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


Science fiction provides an insight into what science is capable of. It is a way to predict the future technology. Sci-fi offers a useful way to explore the possible consequences of future variations in science. Undoubtedly, it has a mind blowing spin on reality. Sci-fi is all about ideas, and more precisely, about us-- humans and their existence with advanced technologies. The science fiction genre has already experienced a popularity boom and will continue to grow, and entertain its readers or viewers.

Are you also a sci-fi fan?