By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

About ARK Foundations

In today's modern world, digital technology has become an essential aspect of our daily lives. It is advancing and emerging more than ever before. The digitalization has taken hold of society. It is taking the world by storm.


With digital services, the tedious tasks in the institutions have become much easier. The manual work has reduced to a considerable extent, and it has made our lives much better.


If you also want to ease down your efforts and are looking for digital services for your institution, then you have landed at the right place.

Welcome to ARK Foundations®!

ARK Foundations® is a team of professionals who are highly qualified in providing you the digital solutions based on your requirements. We provide services in the most efficient manner.


How can ARK Foundations® help you?


• Our aim is to provide cost-effective products for our clients which can help in the growth of their as well as our business.

• We create beautiful and high functioning products that create an everlasting impression on all of our users.

• Our efficient business model helps in getting the desired results.

• We offer the best of the services to the companies, and the candidates.


Let's dig deeper into the services provided by ARK Foundations®.


1. ERP Software:


Are you facing great difficulty in managing the data of your institution? Then, the ARK's 1.0 School ERP Software is the all-in-one solution for your institution. We provide ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) software for educational institutes. Our software is a web-based service that offers a complete solution for the management of schools. The software provides a smooth and easy-to-use User interface which enhances the interaction between students and teachers. As there is a huge development in the education system from digitalization, so, this ERP software proves to be beneficial in the area of education.


ARK's 1.0 software has been designed to transform the traditional education system with modern technology. It tends to make the management easy in all the departments of the school.


The key benefits of ARK's 1.0 ERP software are:

- It saves a lot of paperwork, so it is environment friendly.

- It saves plenty of time since software provides all your needs in one portal.

- It is easy to track the record of students' performance with this software.

- All your data can be kept in one place.

- It is secure and fast.

- It has a responsive design, i.e it can be accessed on your mobile phones, tablets, and desktop.

- It is an easy-to-use interface.

- Above all, the customized features can be added according to the school's needs.




Now, let's have a look at the features of ARK's 1.0 ERP software.


• Student Management:

The management of students' records such as personal details, guardian's details, admission in various streams and other documents is a tough job and sounds appalling. But with this software, the records of every student can be managed effortlessly.


• Admission Management:

The admission process of students can be done easily with this software. It appropriately manages the process of the online registration and submission of admission forms of students.


• Fee Management:

This software can prepare the data on fee management with ease. It can easily track down the number of students who paid the fee on time, scholarship attained by the students, mode of payment, etc.


• Attendance Management:

The data management of the attendance of students and staff members, and also the leaves taken by them is an easy task for the software.


• Employee Management:

It can easily manage the employees' data such as,  personal details, leaves, departments, and subjects of employees.


• HRM and Payroll:

The hectic work of payroll administrator such as the management of payments, issuing paychecks, increment details, etc., can be properly done with this software.


• Transport Management:

This software makes the entire transportation tracking process easy. It provides safety as well as security to the students. It tracks the route and locations of students while going from home to school and vice-versa.


• Document Management:

The data pertaining to the students and staff members of the school can be properly managed. It can be easily altered and updated.


• Parent's Portal:

The software gives access to parents to track the performance of their wards. They can check it any time they want by logging in.


• Timetable Module:

It can create the timetable, set up the timings for classes and breaks, provide the schedule for regular and extra classes.


• Library Management:

The entire data of the books available in the library, books issued to the students and fine for late return of books can be managed. The software also alerts the students for returning books.


• Birthday, News, and Everyday activities:

The software reminds you about the birthday of students and staff, and also the important events and activities.


• Subject and Courses:

The records of what subjects are to be assigned to the teachers, and courses selected by the students can be kept in one place.


• Petty Cash Management: 

The management of daily expenses of the institution is an easy task for the software.


• Examination(CCE Pattern):

With this software, the students and parents can have access to gain important information about classwork and exams. The teachers can easily upload the instructions about exams as well as results.


• Communication:

It enables the parents and teachers to communicate well. The teachers can also share important information with the parents regarding their wards.


• Hostel Management:

The management of hostel records such as students' room number, which room is empty, the daily menu for food can be easily maintained. The hostel wardens can access it any time.


• Student Medical Module:

The software can keep the details of the students' medical history, the diseases they are suffering from, and also the treatment they need.


• Student trip Management Module:

It provides information about the student's trip, number of trips organized, date and destination of the trip, and a number of students going on the trip.


  Visitor Management:

It can keep the record of the number of visitors visiting the school, and the date, and time of visiting.


• Fire drill Management:

The management of fire drill groups, mock drills, awareness regarding this can be done easily.


• Student I-card Management working:

It enables users to perform the task of I-card printing with a barcode and easily manages I-card templates.


• Disaster Management:

In the case of any disaster, the members can be notified with the mobile app. The measures can also be taken and proper mapping of students and teachers would become easy.


• Early going:

It provides the facility to school to send the students home in case of any emergency. It records the data regarding this, and parents can safely take their wards home.



The ARK Foundations® base work on profound research and think out of the box to make your product functional, delightful, and innovative. Here, we help you build new technologies, verify ideas, and give your way the right direction. We deliver before our deadlines and provide services at a reasonable price with a lot of offers.


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