By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Technology Addiction: A Stigma for the World

 What would happen if someone snuck in during the night and took away all your technological products from your life forever? Just to be clear, it's not very likely to happen, hypothetically speaking. But if it did somehow happen, how would you react to it? Well, some of you might get anxious and there would be some panic and chaos. Others might feel like it's the end of their lives to some extent. From communication to entertainment, business to travelling, everything will come to a halt.

Humans are now considering technology as a part and parcel of their lives. Many among them have started using it excessively. The growing use of technology has given rise to a new type of addiction known as "technology addiction". With people turning more and more to technology, the chances of them getting addicted to it are also increasing. Technology is like a drug to your body. Just as drugs affect your physical and mental health, so does technology. But what exactly is technology addiction? Is it possible to prevent it? Is it even real? Let's dig deeper to find answers.

What is technology addiction?

Technology addiction refers to the overdependence on technology equipment which leads to the obsessive tech-related behaviour in the users. It is the inability to control the use of technology, especially the Internet, social networking sites, mobile phones, televisions, and video games. 

Technology is an addiction because in some cases it causes more harm than good to its users. Even if one would want to stop, it causes some withdrawal symptoms, and can lead to several dire consequences.

What are the signs and symptoms of technology addiction?

How do you recognize whether a person is a technology addict? Here is a list of some signs to watch for.

A technology addict:

• Feels restless or irritable if someone attempts to cut down the internet connection.

• Feels drawn towards the internet, mobile phones, or other technology-driven things.

• Stays online longer than usual.

• Becomes socially isolated and experiences depression and anxiety.

• Has poor hygiene and doesn't pay much heed towards her/his health.

• Ignores what is happening in real time, instead remain immersed in the virtual world.

• Loses sense of time while using technology.

• Withdraws from offline activities that were once pleasurable.

• Lies to family members regarding the extent of involvement with technology.

• Has constant neck pain, headaches, and red eyes.

Is technology addiction a real addiction?

Medical experts around the world have raised concerns about more people drawing towards their digital devices. Now addiction experts believe it's easier to treat a drug addict than a technology addict. Drug addicts can be treated by giving a proper medical treatment. While on the contrary, it is a difficult task to help tech addicts reduce their screen time. Just as drug addicts are unable to live without drugs or tobacco, similarly tech addicts also struggle to survive without checking their smartphones or computers. They are unable to distinguish between the virtual world and the real world. Aggression, depression, and anxiety can be easily seen in such addicts.

Tech addicts are not much different from other kinds of addicts. So it can be rightly said that addiction to technology is as serious as any other addiction. It indeed is a real addiction.

Which age group is more vulnerable to technology addiction?

Adolescents or teenagers are more susceptible to technology addiction. For them, technology is like a key to escape from real world challenges. They are turning more towards technology because the relaxation they get from the virtual world is nowhere in reality. Peer pressure, emotions, socialization are some of the other reasons why teenagers stay glued to their digital devices. 

The amount of time teenagers spend on the screens is increasing at a fast pace. It's not unusual for a teenager to turn on the TV and computer and start watching a TV show with one eye, while playing a game on the computer with another, somehow managing to text on a mobile phone as well. Needless to say, nowadays teenagers' lives revolve around technology. And video games like PUBG add fuel to the fire. Such video games are highly addictive since they provide real time gaming experiences. Now, teenagers think about bridge camping rather than their assignments. 

Teenagers are more vulnerable among other individuals. While playing such games, their expectations for gaining rewards increase. It leads to the release of dopamine and some other feel-good hormones. In turn, this craving for rewards grows and they try to get the same effect. In this age group, their brains are highly manipulative and anything they do becomes their habit sometimes. Unknowingly, they fall prey to technology addiction.

For most parents, technology addiction among their teens has become a growing concern. But finding a balance for them can do wonders.

How is technology addiction prevented?

When excessive use of technology begins to affect a user's mental and physical health, daily life, job or academic performance, and relationships, it may be time to seek help or guidance.

Here is a list of some options to prevent technology addiction:

• Engage in some recreational activities like sports, yoga, or even just getting good sleep.

• Avoid use of some applications and social networking sites.

• Educate teens and young adults about the negative impacts of technology.

• Seek family counselling.

• Socialize-in-person with friends or relatives.

• Get enrolled in a support group.

• Maintain a good standard of hygiene.

• If the problem still persists consider some treatment options, such as Reality Therapy (RT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Equine Therapy (ET)


Excessive use of technology has the potential to become addictive and sometimes with dreadful consequences. People must keep a check on the amount of time they spend on using any digital device. Technology has been developed for reaping benefits and not something to grow addicted to.

Are you also a technology addict?

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