By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Technology in the World of Entertainment

Entertainment. A word that increases your curiosity. Something that gives you pleasure and happiness.

Technology. It transcends all the realms of reality and surpasses human knowledge.

What if we incorporate technology into entertainment? The answer is simple. Blending technology and entertainment together gives rise to a new type of technology known as Entertainment Technology. A perfect combination that holds the potential of transforming the world of entertainment. 

Incorporation of tech-related equipment is taking the entertainment industry to the next level. Over the past few years, technology has witnessed great advancements and so has the entertainment world. Nowadays, it can be clearly seen that the entertainment industry depends on the technology. From TV to video games, and sports to social media, every bit of entertainment source has gone digital. 

Time has changed, technology has gone too far, the entertainment industry has become developed, but humans' love for entertainment hasn't undergone any change.

Entertainment technology and humans' preferences: 

While the interest of humans in entertainment is the same, their preferences have evolved significantly. Now, ways of being entertained are optimized to a considerable extent. 

Gone are the days when one could spot kids playing outdoor games with ease. Now they remain glued to their mobile phones, either chatting or browsing the internet. TV, video games, and social networking sites have changed their preferences. Losing interest in outdoor games and turning to technological equipment for entertainment is evidence of the evolution of entertainment technology. Gully cricket is now considered an age-old way of playing cricket because game apps have taken over. Same is true for other games such as ludo and chess. Computers and laptops are nowhere behind. More and more people now look at them as their entertainment buddies. "Netflix and chill" is a new mode of entertainment these days. Its rival, Amazon Prime, is also coming up with a variety of attention grabbing shows.

There was a time when we only had limited choices in entertainment. With access to smartphones, now people have so many options to choose from. They can stay online from anywhere, listen to music, watch movies, and so on. Having said that, now people's preferences for seeking entertainment lies in the technological stuff only. Needless to say, entertainment technology is enhancing the experience of a user to a great extent.

Entertainment Technology and Cinema:

Application of technology in the entertainment industry like cinema is skyrocketing it to new levels. With this, people are becoming more creative. Filmmakers are using a variety of smart devices, software, and systems to put their ideas and creative imaginations in movies. 

Extensive use of CGI and other technological effects make a movie that is embraced by the audience whole- heartedly. For instance, one of the biggest box office hits of all time-- Avengers, exhibits the artistic thinking of the writer which cannot be implemented without making use of technology. Indeed, the whole film industry has changed due to technology over the past few decades. 

Entertainment Technology and Music:

New recording technology, new musical technology, and listening technology has paved a way for the new music industry. Not so long ago, people would listen to radio and record tapes. But now, a variety of music apps like Spotify, Wynk music, have replaced them. Rather than building excitement to buy a record or CD, we just tap the button, and listen to the song in a matter of seconds. 

From creating remixes to modifying an old song, musicians are using technology to create a fresh outlook on tracks. Understanding of technological effects like auto tuning, and music software is all it takes to make a successful artist these days. Now, both artists and fans are using different technological platforms for different music-related activities and content.

Entertainment Technology and Gaming:

With new inventions in technology, the gaming industry has seen enormous growth. Around 2.5 billion people are playing online games these days. The increase in the number of gamers across the world provides evidence that technology has contributed a lot to the gaming sector. It is one of the industries to really feel the winds of technological change. 

Now tastes for games have transformed from physical to mental. Multiplayer gaming has taken the place of a sportsground whereas mobile phones have replaced playballs. Today, sound effects, graphics, and VR games are providing a real time gaming experience to the users. 


Technology has completely modified the face of the entertainment industry. As we are entertaining into the tech-savvy world, our reliance on technology for entertainment purposes is also growing. Emerging technologies are introducing us to new modes of entertainment everyday. With this, users are having a great experience. Undoubtedly, the entertainment technology is here to stay.

What kind of tech-related equipment do you use for entertainment?

Saturday, September 12, 2020

The World of Science Fiction

A newborn zombie has entered into the uninhabitable planet. He has learnt techniques to fly using his missile sticks, and will soon reach the moon. Surrounded by several UFOs, his house looks like a graveyard placed in the center of the beautiful gardens. He has tried to call his  mom many times but didn't get any reply, much to his disappointment. Now he is eating robots to satisfy his hunger in the scorching heat of the sun. But the day is not far when he will die of a drought.

What is this? What is going on there? Science fiction, that's what.

Whether we talk about movies, web series, or novels, science fiction has always been a favourite topic among the makers and writers. Ever since this genre has gained popularity, it is building mental resilience in the people. 

Now I have a question for you. Does science fiction look like an unfamiliar topic to you? Well I guess your answer is no. Most of you must have watched a science fiction movie or a cartoon at least once in your lifetime. But do you know what science fiction is exactly? What are its characteristics? Is science fiction all about science and technology? Don't you know? So let's dig deeper to find answers. Get ready for a trek into the world of science fiction! 

What is Science Fiction?

Science fiction or sci-fi is one of the most innovative genres in literature. It tells about the imaginative prose that often speculates on the nature and direction of human knowledge. Being based on scientific content, it consists of a wide range of plots or themes that deal with scientific advances, usually set in the future. 

Science fiction, as distinct from fantasy, often reflects on the world containing elements of advanced technology, that is completely different from the world of our time and place. 

Whether it is about robots, superheroes, alien invasion, or space travel, science fiction has everything-- you name it.

Now let's have a look at a brief history of Science Fiction.

A brief history of science fiction:

Although it seems like science fiction has flourished within the last century, this genre has its roots in development several hundred years ago. The history of science fiction dates back to time before science fiction started to take shape. From "True history" (2nd century) to "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" (10th century), "One Thousand and One Nights" to "The City of Brass" (13th century), science fiction novels have been emerging ever since. But until the 17th century, it was loosely applied. It was during the 1800s when a true sci-fi novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelly shaped the modern science fiction genre. It completely broke the mold of the traditional sci-fi novels. Later on in the 20th century, publications of several sci-fi novels by authors like H.G. Wells, Hugo Gernsback, and others paved a way for the popularization of the science fiction genre. Many historians believe that the 20th and 21st century is the golden age of science fiction when it came to be considered a true form of the literary genre. 

Now sci-fi has become increasingly popular in different aspects like movies, novels, games, cartoons, and some other sub genres. This genre is still extremely strong today and has a long way to go. 

What are the Characteristics of Science Fiction?

When people hear the term science fiction, they tend to think of space, aliens, and things far beyond our reach with today's technology. Though this is not always the case. Needless to say, this genre uses scientific discoveries or advanced technological developments to a considerable extent. But, it doesn't necessarily involve the aspects of science and technology. Science fiction focuses more on things that are speculated to be possible with the futuristic concepts. Speaking of which, besides technology, a sci-fi novel or movie can also have long addressed events including diseases. 

Some other characters or elements of science fiction are:

• Biological aspects of fiction like alterations of human bodies or enhancing physical capabilities.

• Evolution of life on different planets.

• Development of a time machine, and devices faster than speed of light.

• Changes in the settings of Earth and formation of a parallel universe.

• Expansion of super intelligent robots-driven universe.

Science Fiction Movies and Novels:

With the filmmakers and writers using science fiction to reflect our expectations, aspirations and adventures, superfans of sci-fi movies and novels seem to be increasing.

There are many movies, if not all, based on sci-fi novels or an adaptation of the source material. Such movies are our key to an unknown world or universe. They arise wonder, awe, and hope for alternating mindsets. From classics to hot new releases, dystopian rebels to super intelligent robots, the sci-fi tales tend to get the pulse pounding, and expand the mind of viewers. 

Though there are plethora of sci-fi movies and novels, some of them are listed below:

Sci-fi movies:

• Annihilation by Alex Garland

• War of the Worlds by Steven Spielberg

• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by  Michel Gandry

• Metropolis by Fritz Lang

• The World's End by Edgar Wright

• Dark City by Alex Proyas

Sci-fi novels:

• The Modern Prometheus or Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

• The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

• Earth Abides by George R. Stewart

• The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

• The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut

• Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


Science fiction provides an insight into what science is capable of. It is a way to predict the future technology. Sci-fi offers a useful way to explore the possible consequences of future variations in science. Undoubtedly, it has a mind blowing spin on reality. Sci-fi is all about ideas, and more precisely, about us-- humans and their existence with advanced technologies. The science fiction genre has already experienced a popularity boom and will continue to grow, and entertain its readers or viewers.

Are you also a sci-fi fan? 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Technology Addiction: A Stigma for the World

 What would happen if someone snuck in during the night and took away all your technological products from your life forever? Just to be clear, it's not very likely to happen, hypothetically speaking. But if it did somehow happen, how would you react to it? Well, some of you might get anxious and there would be some panic and chaos. Others might feel like it's the end of their lives to some extent. From communication to entertainment, business to travelling, everything will come to a halt.

Humans are now considering technology as a part and parcel of their lives. Many among them have started using it excessively. The growing use of technology has given rise to a new type of addiction known as "technology addiction". With people turning more and more to technology, the chances of them getting addicted to it are also increasing. Technology is like a drug to your body. Just as drugs affect your physical and mental health, so does technology. But what exactly is technology addiction? Is it possible to prevent it? Is it even real? Let's dig deeper to find answers.

What is technology addiction?

Technology addiction refers to the overdependence on technology equipment which leads to the obsessive tech-related behaviour in the users. It is the inability to control the use of technology, especially the Internet, social networking sites, mobile phones, televisions, and video games. 

Technology is an addiction because in some cases it causes more harm than good to its users. Even if one would want to stop, it causes some withdrawal symptoms, and can lead to several dire consequences.

What are the signs and symptoms of technology addiction?

How do you recognize whether a person is a technology addict? Here is a list of some signs to watch for.

A technology addict:

• Feels restless or irritable if someone attempts to cut down the internet connection.

• Feels drawn towards the internet, mobile phones, or other technology-driven things.

• Stays online longer than usual.

• Becomes socially isolated and experiences depression and anxiety.

• Has poor hygiene and doesn't pay much heed towards her/his health.

• Ignores what is happening in real time, instead remain immersed in the virtual world.

• Loses sense of time while using technology.

• Withdraws from offline activities that were once pleasurable.

• Lies to family members regarding the extent of involvement with technology.

• Has constant neck pain, headaches, and red eyes.

Is technology addiction a real addiction?

Medical experts around the world have raised concerns about more people drawing towards their digital devices. Now addiction experts believe it's easier to treat a drug addict than a technology addict. Drug addicts can be treated by giving a proper medical treatment. While on the contrary, it is a difficult task to help tech addicts reduce their screen time. Just as drug addicts are unable to live without drugs or tobacco, similarly tech addicts also struggle to survive without checking their smartphones or computers. They are unable to distinguish between the virtual world and the real world. Aggression, depression, and anxiety can be easily seen in such addicts.

Tech addicts are not much different from other kinds of addicts. So it can be rightly said that addiction to technology is as serious as any other addiction. It indeed is a real addiction.

Which age group is more vulnerable to technology addiction?

Adolescents or teenagers are more susceptible to technology addiction. For them, technology is like a key to escape from real world challenges. They are turning more towards technology because the relaxation they get from the virtual world is nowhere in reality. Peer pressure, emotions, socialization are some of the other reasons why teenagers stay glued to their digital devices. 

The amount of time teenagers spend on the screens is increasing at a fast pace. It's not unusual for a teenager to turn on the TV and computer and start watching a TV show with one eye, while playing a game on the computer with another, somehow managing to text on a mobile phone as well. Needless to say, nowadays teenagers' lives revolve around technology. And video games like PUBG add fuel to the fire. Such video games are highly addictive since they provide real time gaming experiences. Now, teenagers think about bridge camping rather than their assignments. 

Teenagers are more vulnerable among other individuals. While playing such games, their expectations for gaining rewards increase. It leads to the release of dopamine and some other feel-good hormones. In turn, this craving for rewards grows and they try to get the same effect. In this age group, their brains are highly manipulative and anything they do becomes their habit sometimes. Unknowingly, they fall prey to technology addiction.

For most parents, technology addiction among their teens has become a growing concern. But finding a balance for them can do wonders.

How is technology addiction prevented?

When excessive use of technology begins to affect a user's mental and physical health, daily life, job or academic performance, and relationships, it may be time to seek help or guidance.

Here is a list of some options to prevent technology addiction:

• Engage in some recreational activities like sports, yoga, or even just getting good sleep.

• Avoid use of some applications and social networking sites.

• Educate teens and young adults about the negative impacts of technology.

• Seek family counselling.

• Socialize-in-person with friends or relatives.

• Get enrolled in a support group.

• Maintain a good standard of hygiene.

• If the problem still persists consider some treatment options, such as Reality Therapy (RT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Equine Therapy (ET)


Excessive use of technology has the potential to become addictive and sometimes with dreadful consequences. People must keep a check on the amount of time they spend on using any digital device. Technology has been developed for reaping benefits and not something to grow addicted to.

Are you also a technology addict?

Friday, August 14, 2020

Know the Unreal World of Virtual Reality

Is it possible to create an illusory environment that can make your mind believe it is real? Can you think of experiencing something that appears to be real but is not exactly real? Believe it or not, you can experience something like this. But how? Well, this can be achieved with the help of technology known as "Virtual Reality". But what exactly is virtual reality? To find answers, let's dive into the world of this wonderful technology.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality or VR refers to the three dimensional (3D) or computer-generated environment where the users can walk through and perform a series of actions. VR enables its users to handle and manipulate virtual objects or scenes that seem real. 

In other words, VR is a technology by which an immersive illusion can be created. It allows users to feel like they are physically present in the virtual world-- a world that doesn't exist in reality. With this technology, one can explore & experience the virtual world being generated by the computer. 

Now let us give you a brief history of virtual reality.

What is the history of VR?

Although it seems like the concept of VR is something new, this technology has roots in development several hundred years ago. The history of VR dates back to the 1800s when the first stereoscope was invented. Viewing images or photos through a stereoscope gave a sense of depth and immersion. This device was the first of its kind in the history of VR. But, later it developed into the View-Master in 1939. And it is still being produced today.

In the 1960s, a few scientists such as Heilig, Sutherland, etc. attempted to develop a head-mounting gear by which wearers could have a look at the 3d generated computer graphics. Of those scientists, Ivan Sutherland suggested it would serve as a window to the virtual world.

However, the term 'Virtual Reality' made its debut in the mid 1980s when the founder of VPL Research, Jaron Lanier, began working on 'gear' which also consisted of gloves and goggles. He believed the wearer could experience what is now known as virtual reality.

A few years later, in the early 1990s, Sega VR headset was designed for gaming, but it never made it into the market. Later, Virtuality produced the first VR game that gave its users a real-time gaming experience. Over the years, this technology saw many advancements, from VR headset Oculus Rift to Project Morpheus, Gear VR to Vive, and many more. Now, people have the ability to use and try VR practically. Today, various high-quality devices are easily accessible. Thanks to the pioneering inventors.

What equipment are used for Virtual Reality?

While the experiences gained by using this technology can be unbelievable to consumers, non installment of proper equipment might ruin their impression and experience. Hence, proper equipment is essential to have a good experience of virtual reality. Various kinds of equipment are used such as hardware, software, VR devices, etc. 

To start with setting up a virtual reality, one needs to monitor the movements of the person. Hardware tracks motions of users by using sensors. Such motions include body part movements, button presses, and controller movements. Besides hardware or software, the physical surrounding world is equally important to constitute a complete VR system. Some hardware equipment include data gloves, head-mounted displays (HMDs), wands, hand held virtual reality controllers and immersive rooms. 

VR devices come with body perception, monitors, and a sound system. These devices are the hardware products that include computers, smartphones, output devices, input devices and consoles. Input devices are crucial to help users interact within a VR environment. On the other hand, output devices bring naturalism to generate an immersive feeling. They include visual, auditory, or haptic displays. 

Software manages output and input devices, analyzes data, and also provides feedback. It plays a critical role in handling data, and sending response to the output displays. Software prevents the destruction of an immersive feeling by doing prompt tasks.

What are the applications of virtual reality?

Following are some applications of virtual reality in different fields:

  • Entertainment

There are many applications of VR in the entertainment industry which range from virtual museums to galleries, virtual parks to music concerts. With people spending time on social media, video games, and cinema, the VR entertainment market is reaching a whole new level. 

Now, users can view 3d pictures that seem realistic and enjoyable. People can also have supernatural and paranormal experiences, that sometimes they are unable to do physically. Furthermore, virtual reality in the entertainment industry promises more engagement of consumers and boosting of commercial success.

  • Business

VR allows businesses to have a 360° view of a product. It is useful for them to produce quality products which reduces the burden of their evaluation. VR helps take virtual tours of a business. 

Companies use this technology to hold meetings and train their employees as well. Some businesses are using VR for data analysis that gives them a better understanding of their data. Undoubtedly, virtual reality has reduced a lot of hardships faced by businesses.

  • Sports

Nowadays, sports teams are investing millions in VR technology. Sportspeople around the world are turning to VR to bolster their training methods. It is useful to diversify and improve the training methods of athletes. Virtual reality also measures athletic performance and analyzes proper techniques. 3d systems help players practice without stepping on an actual field. They simulate real game conditions that make their sessions even more effective.

  • Military

People have been using VR in military training for some time now. It is useful for training soldiers for dangerous situations as virtual reality's environment increases immersion that enables them to learn how and when to react. VR simulation reduces the risk of a serious injury posed by real world training. It allows soldiers to experience a particular situation within a confined area. Data gloves, VR glasses, HMDs are used to display 3d images for military training.

What is the future of Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality will become one of the most incredible concepts in the years to come. This technology is going to create such an experience for humans where it will be difficult for us to distinguish between the virtual and real world. 

In the future, VR will be used in all industries across the world. There will hardly be any industry that doesn't use it in some capacity. It will give people a chance to shop, travel, play, work, and even socialize without having to leave their houses. VR will serve a myriad of roles and become a standard practice across every field.


Virtual reality is becoming a game-changer in various fields. Today, people are experiencing its benefits owing to the possibilities of this technology. Although virtual reality has already proved its worth, it still has a long way to go.

Do you think VR has changed your life yet? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Connecting World With the Internet of Things

From watches to smart watches, speakers to smart speakers, the Internet of Things is transforming "dumb" things into "smarter" ones. 

There is a lot of buzz about the Internet of Things these days. The hype around this concept has been going strong for some years now. But what is the exact meaning of the Internet of Things? Let's dive into the roots of this wonderful technology to find answers.

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things or IoT refers to the network of physical devices or "things" that connect, share and exchange data over the Internet. 

In other words, the IoT is a concept where one can connect any device to the Internet and also to other connected devices. If chips are inserted into these devices, they can collect and communicate data. Such devices use sensors and APIs (Application Programming Interface) that enable them to communicate real-time data without human intervention. 

The IoT provides the power of the Internet to the otherwise dumb physical devices and makes them smarter.

A brief history of the IoT

Although the concept of IoT dates back to the 1800s, the true history started with the invention of the internet. It then took several decades for the IoT technology to catch a true vision.

The term "IoT", for the first time, was coined by a British Technologist, Kevin Ashton, in 1999. He introduced this term during his presentation he made for an enterprise Procter and Gamble, where he worked in supply chain optimization. It was during his work when he noticed that optimization is directly dependent on the speed of processing and transmission of data. People needed to wait for a number of days to collect the data. But the new technology called RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) enabled the transfer of data directly between devices. He thought of using this technology to gather, process, and send data between various 'things' without human intervention. He called his idea of RFID-based device connectivity-- the Internet of Things. 

But it didn't get widespread attention for almost a decade. In the late 2000s, the IoT gained enormous popularity and became a buzzword.

Some Examples of IoT Devices

Following are some examples of IoT devices in today's world:

  • Smart Smoke Alarms

The smart smoke alarms are highly intuitive devices. These smoke alarms contain smart detectors, which have enhanced functionalities. They can alert you by sending a notification on your smartphone in case of any emergency. Due to in-built specialized sensors, they can accurately detect environmental variables like heat and motion. 

Furthermore, they notify the users regarding the battery levels and also monitor the internal temperature. Users can manage them using smartphones and also turn the alarm off wirelessly without physical effort.

  • Smart Video Doorbells

Nowadays, smart video doorbells are providing a whole new level of home security. They notify the users when someone is at their front doors. The built-in sensor senses whenever any visitor stops by. And, the device gives you a notification on your smartphone. These doorbells allow you to see as well as speak with the visitor at your doorstep. They will also alert you if someone is sneaking around your door.

  • Virtual Assistants

Now, almost all people have virtual assistants in their homes. Amazon Echo virtual assistant, Alexa, is one of the best examples of this technology. This IoT device is capable of creating to-do lists, playing songs, making phone calls, and ordering items online. 

It performs your requests by responding to your voice commands. It can also set reminders, make appointments, and manage house instruments. As automation and connection continues to increase, the amount of data available for gathering by such assistants has also increased to a great extent. 

  • Samsung Gearfit

Although there are many wearable fitness trackers, this is one example of such devices. This IoT device tracks your calories burned, counts your steps, and also calculates distance walked or run. It integrates with Samsung's Health app. Such wearables are synced wirelessly to a mobile phone for tracking data regarding your fitness.

  • Smart Farming Equipment

This device helps farmers do precise farming that leads to optimized production. IoT devices such as Smart Elements and Pynco detect and analyze the environmental data. These devices report weather conditions that help determine the best time to harvest plants. IoT-enabled farming assists farmers in gaining complete information about fertilizer profiles. Smart farming equipment helps farmers enhance their productivity. 

  • Connected Home Appliances

From connected home bulbs, air conditioners, water heaters to intelligent ovens, dryers, and smart thermostats, all home appliances are now connected. Users can control their home appliances and receive notifications and alerts on their smartphones. Automation and connection is a better way to make your house a smart house. 

  • IoT tracking system: Atrack trackers

A lot of businesses are now relying on industrial IoT devices. Atrack trackers is one example of such industrial devices. Businesses are using this device for tracking their assets. It offers GPS tracking that tracks or monitors assets and vehicles. It focuses on the transportation and logistics industries. This IoT device has changed the business landscape to a great extent.

What is the future of IoT?

The possibilities of the Internet of Things in different industries are endless. People are now getting attracted to this technology more and more. With how fast IoT is growing today, it is expected that an incredible wave of IoT applications will emerge in the future. It will be the foremost technology in coming decades. Adoption of IoT across various industries will witness a huge rise. 

Experts are expecting an increase in the number of IoT devices in the near future. More than 22 billion IoT devices will be in use by 2025. Cities, houses, companies, industries-- everything will become smart. The future world will be filled with smart things. Cases of cybercrimes and attacks will also grow due to the rise of IoT. This technology will be seemingly incorporated into all aspects of our lives. Undoubtedly, the futuristic vision of IoT holds the potential of taking the world by storm.


The evolution of IoT technology has brought some of the major changes to our daily lives. From homes to industries, the Internet of Things is connecting everything digitally. IoT devices have made the world smarter than ever. Keeping in mind the growing use of IoT both in the workplace and outside of it, it can be rightly said that now nothing seems to stop the rise of IoT.

Do you think the Internet of Things has brought the world from offline to online? Let us know in the comments section below!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The World of Thinking Machines: Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever wondered what would your life be like if you never had to do mundane chores again? Is it possible that machines can outperform humans at all tasks? Can machines become more intelligent than humans? Well, these questions must have come to your mind sometime.

However, it seems hard to say whether machines will surpass human intelligence or not. But, the term 'Artificial Intelligence' holds the potential to make such things possible. This term has gained enormous popularity in the past few years.

So without further ado, let's first understand the meaning of Artificial Intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is a branch of computer science which creates expert systems that understand, learn, demonstrate, and behave like humans. AI implements human intelligence in machines. It enables machines to carry out the tasks that humans do.

In other words, artificial intelligence is a way of making intelligent and smart human-like machines. It programs a computer, or a software in such a way that it can think in a similar manner as humans think.

A brief history of AI 

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy in the year 1956. He first introduced this term at an academic conference held in Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. 

Now, let's dig deeper to have more insight about Artificial Intelligence.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Following are some fields where AI is applied:

  • Healthcare

AI has a remarkable role in healthcare. Nowadays, various medical care centres or hospitals are relying on AI. With AI, diagnosing diseases has become more accurate. It analyzes samples with ease and also designs treatment plans. Now, researchers are implementing this technology to create drugs and vaccines. AI computational models help fight many diseases. Undoubtedly, AI in healthcare is helping doctors and patients all over the world. 

  • Virtual Assistants or Chatbots

Virtual assistants are evolving quickly and integrating into our lives. Now, all the android devices have Google assistants that can respond to voice commands. They understand and perform requests by using speech recognition and natural language processing technologies. Virtual assistants can perform several tasks such as internet searches, set reminders, get directions, search restaurants, and hear weather reports or news. Cortana and Siri are other examples of such applications available in Microsoft and Apple devices respectively. 

Moreover, Amazon Echo virtual assistant, Alexa, has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. You only have to call out the word "alexa" and the device will be ready to answer your questions. It can create to-do lists, play songs, order items online, make appointment reminders, and so on.

  • Autonomous Vehicles

The development of autonomous vehicles is considered as one of the biggest achievements of AI. However, fully autonomous vehicles are not developed yet. But AI experts are trying to build them soon. 

Self-driving vehicles have AI-based features that find the quickest route by eliminating traffic conditions. Some more features include, self-parking, directing vehicles to petrol pumps in case of low fuel, natural language processing to interact with passengers, etc. AI in transportation is beneficial as it provides a safe and reliable journey. It also reduces energy and wastage of time.

  • Banking 

Now, banks are turning to AI to secure their data and prevent frauds. They are adopting AI technology that is assisting them in analyzing and detecting fraudulent transactions. AI-based systems can collect and store a vast amount of data in banks in an efficient manner. It enables banks to provide better services to their customers.

  • Astronomy

AI plays a pivotal role in astronomy. People are using this technology for space exploration. AI-enabled systems help discover and commercialize space with ease. AI easily analyzes the images captured by satellites within a few seconds. It is also used to navigate satellites and other spacecraft. Furthermore, keeping spacecraft and satellites operational has become effortless with this technology. AI also controls satellite communication and monitors craft health.

Is AI a boon or a bane?

There are some people who have a positive view and believe that AI is beneficial. On the other hand, a different set of minds takes a negative view and believes that it is dangerous. However, it's a never-ending debate and reaching a conclusion is difficult. But, I'll walk you through some pros and cons of AI. Let's see which view outweighs the other.

AI: a boon

• AI performs tiresome tasks and works continuously that helps us reduce burden.

• It enhances productivity of organizations and also strengthens the economy. AI has helped increase the global GDP which is contributing to the world's economy.

• Now, everyone has become habitual of using GPS for navigation. It also reduces the chances of getting trapped in traffic. 

• AI has made our daily lives more comfortable and fast. Virtual assistants are fulfilling our needs and providing a great value to the users.

• It is a multitasker and functions faster than humans. Machines are capable of solving complex technological problems that humans fail to do.

• AI will not destroy jobs. Instead, it will create more jobs in the future. The implementation of AI will provide new roles to humans. 

AI: a bane

• There are several risks posed by AI. AI can be devastating. If given in wrong hands, it can lead to mass casualties.

• Maintenance of machines costs huge amounts of money. So, AI implementation is costly.

• Although AI can create jobs, humans will have to upgrade their skills to not let machines outsmart them.

What is the future of AI?

AI is moving forward at a fast pace and looks unstoppable. With how fast it is integrating in our lives today, the future world will be changed forever. In the future, AI will provide even better applications or services. Machines will become a companion of upcoming generations. Virtual assistants will become more advanced and smarter than ever. Robots will completely take our places to perform tasks. AI systems will make rational decisions for us. There will be a tiring war between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. AI will also give rise to some new fields in the area of science and technology. Needless to say, this technology is well-positioned for decades to come.


We are heading toward becoming a technologically driven world, and AI is giving a contribution. Understanding the present state of AI, everyone is embracing the changes it is bringing in today's world. AI is transforming human life and we are yet to discover its potential in the long-term.

Do you think human intelligence will face an existential crisis due to AI? Let us know in the comments section below!