By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The World of Thinking Machines: Artificial Intelligence

Have you ever wondered what would your life be like if you never had to do mundane chores again? Is it possible that machines can outperform humans at all tasks? Can machines become more intelligent than humans? Well, these questions must have come to your mind sometime.

However, it seems hard to say whether machines will surpass human intelligence or not. But, the term 'Artificial Intelligence' holds the potential to make such things possible. This term has gained enormous popularity in the past few years.

So without further ado, let's first understand the meaning of Artificial Intelligence.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is a branch of computer science which creates expert systems that understand, learn, demonstrate, and behave like humans. AI implements human intelligence in machines. It enables machines to carry out the tasks that humans do.

In other words, artificial intelligence is a way of making intelligent and smart human-like machines. It programs a computer, or a software in such a way that it can think in a similar manner as humans think.

A brief history of AI 

The term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy in the year 1956. He first introduced this term at an academic conference held in Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. 

Now, let's dig deeper to have more insight about Artificial Intelligence.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Following are some fields where AI is applied:

  • Healthcare

AI has a remarkable role in healthcare. Nowadays, various medical care centres or hospitals are relying on AI. With AI, diagnosing diseases has become more accurate. It analyzes samples with ease and also designs treatment plans. Now, researchers are implementing this technology to create drugs and vaccines. AI computational models help fight many diseases. Undoubtedly, AI in healthcare is helping doctors and patients all over the world. 

  • Virtual Assistants or Chatbots

Virtual assistants are evolving quickly and integrating into our lives. Now, all the android devices have Google assistants that can respond to voice commands. They understand and perform requests by using speech recognition and natural language processing technologies. Virtual assistants can perform several tasks such as internet searches, set reminders, get directions, search restaurants, and hear weather reports or news. Cortana and Siri are other examples of such applications available in Microsoft and Apple devices respectively. 

Moreover, Amazon Echo virtual assistant, Alexa, has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years. You only have to call out the word "alexa" and the device will be ready to answer your questions. It can create to-do lists, play songs, order items online, make appointment reminders, and so on.

  • Autonomous Vehicles

The development of autonomous vehicles is considered as one of the biggest achievements of AI. However, fully autonomous vehicles are not developed yet. But AI experts are trying to build them soon. 

Self-driving vehicles have AI-based features that find the quickest route by eliminating traffic conditions. Some more features include, self-parking, directing vehicles to petrol pumps in case of low fuel, natural language processing to interact with passengers, etc. AI in transportation is beneficial as it provides a safe and reliable journey. It also reduces energy and wastage of time.

  • Banking 

Now, banks are turning to AI to secure their data and prevent frauds. They are adopting AI technology that is assisting them in analyzing and detecting fraudulent transactions. AI-based systems can collect and store a vast amount of data in banks in an efficient manner. It enables banks to provide better services to their customers.

  • Astronomy

AI plays a pivotal role in astronomy. People are using this technology for space exploration. AI-enabled systems help discover and commercialize space with ease. AI easily analyzes the images captured by satellites within a few seconds. It is also used to navigate satellites and other spacecraft. Furthermore, keeping spacecraft and satellites operational has become effortless with this technology. AI also controls satellite communication and monitors craft health.

Is AI a boon or a bane?

There are some people who have a positive view and believe that AI is beneficial. On the other hand, a different set of minds takes a negative view and believes that it is dangerous. However, it's a never-ending debate and reaching a conclusion is difficult. But, I'll walk you through some pros and cons of AI. Let's see which view outweighs the other.

AI: a boon

• AI performs tiresome tasks and works continuously that helps us reduce burden.

• It enhances productivity of organizations and also strengthens the economy. AI has helped increase the global GDP which is contributing to the world's economy.

• Now, everyone has become habitual of using GPS for navigation. It also reduces the chances of getting trapped in traffic. 

• AI has made our daily lives more comfortable and fast. Virtual assistants are fulfilling our needs and providing a great value to the users.

• It is a multitasker and functions faster than humans. Machines are capable of solving complex technological problems that humans fail to do.

• AI will not destroy jobs. Instead, it will create more jobs in the future. The implementation of AI will provide new roles to humans. 

AI: a bane

• There are several risks posed by AI. AI can be devastating. If given in wrong hands, it can lead to mass casualties.

• Maintenance of machines costs huge amounts of money. So, AI implementation is costly.

• Although AI can create jobs, humans will have to upgrade their skills to not let machines outsmart them.

What is the future of AI?

AI is moving forward at a fast pace and looks unstoppable. With how fast it is integrating in our lives today, the future world will be changed forever. In the future, AI will provide even better applications or services. Machines will become a companion of upcoming generations. Virtual assistants will become more advanced and smarter than ever. Robots will completely take our places to perform tasks. AI systems will make rational decisions for us. There will be a tiring war between human intelligence and artificial intelligence. AI will also give rise to some new fields in the area of science and technology. Needless to say, this technology is well-positioned for decades to come.


We are heading toward becoming a technologically driven world, and AI is giving a contribution. Understanding the present state of AI, everyone is embracing the changes it is bringing in today's world. AI is transforming human life and we are yet to discover its potential in the long-term.

Do you think human intelligence will face an existential crisis due to AI? Let us know in the comments section below!

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