By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Know the World of Information Technology

What is the first thing that came to your mind when you read the term "Information Technology? Maybe-- computer, internet, software, web applications or above all- it's boring! But if you ask any tech-savvy person, this term holds the potential of serving as a big change agent in today's technological world.

So without further ado, let's explore the world of information technology.

What is Information Technology?

Information Technology (IT) refers to the study, use or management of computer-related information systems. IT covers all forms of technology used for creating, processing, securing, retrieving, and exchanging information or electronic data.

The term Information Technology was first coined in a Harvard Business Review article in the year 1958.

IT is used in different aspects of organizations or companies to solve their problems related to handling information or data on a broad scale. IT implements computer networks and includes all software, hardware, and peripheral devices for communication and data processing.

Let's dig deeper to have more insight about Information Technology.

Emerging Trends in Information Technology

  • Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the methods of delivering IT services, wherein, resources are recovered from the internet via web-based tools and applications. 

Cloud-based storage saves files to a remote database. It enables employees to work remotely and access all the data via the internet. Moreover, cloud computing offers three types of services, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). 

  • E-commerce

E-commerce or electronic commerce is a type of trading which is done electronically. It refers to the process of buying or selling goods or services via the internet. Here, the internet is the only electronic medium or network to do transactions. 

Some of the world's leading e-commerce websites are, Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, eBay, etc. Undoubtedly, e-commerce has changed the way people shop and do business.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Technology has advanced to such an extent that now it is capable of learning about the world just like humans. Artificial Intelligence makes it possible for machines to perform human-like tasks. Now, software can think in the same manner as humans think. Thanks to AI.

It creates systems that can comprehend, learn, think, and behave like humans. With how fast this technology is growing, it will soon overtake most of the human tasks.

  • Database Management

A database is an organized collection of data or information which is structured for instant search and retrieval by a computer.

Database Management software allows users to define, create, and manipulate databases with ease. It also helps in sharing, protecting, and maintaining databases. It is a critical element of today's software industry to solve the problems of managing huge amounts of data.

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical devices that connect, share, or exchange data over the internet. Such devices use sensors and APIs (Application Programming Interface) that enable them to communicate real-time data without any human intervention. Physical devices such as, machines, home appliances, vehicles, commercial security systems, etc. are some examples of the IoT devices. 

Now, there are many IoT devices available that are making great changes in the IT industry. The IoT technology is evolving rapidly. It will fill our lives and this world with smart things.

Uses of Information Technology in an Organization

Some of the uses of information technology in an organization are as follows:

  • Communication

In an organization, communication plays a vital role in building good relations among employees, managers, and customers. Some of the services like email, video chat rooms, etc. make communication within and outside the organization easy. Moreover, it simplifies the decision making process for employees and managers. Communication is a great tool for business development.

  • Transaction Processing

Information technology eases the transaction process of an organization. The Transaction Processing System (TPS) monitors, processes, and secures information of day-to-day business transactions. It provides routine reports like profit and loss a/c and balance sheets, etc. TPS stores information in a database that can be accessed any time through an information storage network on the internet. 

  • Management Information System (MIS) 

Generating and communicating information, identifying the problem, and decision making are crucial for organizations. MIS assists in making strategic planning and improving organizational techniques. It meets informational needs of the management people and other users in a business. MIS helps make effective decisions for planning and controlling the business activities. 

  • Information Flow

Information is like a secret weapon for all organizations. It describes a lot about an organization such as the environment surrounding it, or something that is currently known or unknown. Efficient and secure flow of information is an essential factor in the decision making process. With information technology, the flow of information has become an easier task. Now, all the data or information of a business can be retrieved using centralized data centres.

Importance of Information Technology in today's world

• Information Technology accounts in the development of the modern world. Now, it is almost impossible to imagine modern life without it.

• The incorporation of IT in education has made learning even more effective and qualitative. It has improved the teaching and learning methods. Now, students can have access to unlimited educational resources. It has significantly influenced the education system.

• IT has simplified the process of purchasing or selling goods. With IT, sending or receiving money has become a child's play.

• With the introduction of information technology, the corporate world has advanced to a great extent. IT is proving as a game changer in resolving various economic and organizational problems.

• Now, almost all parts of the world are connected together. Human civilization has expanded to remote areas as well. Thanks to IT.


Information Technology (IT) has changed the face of the world that existed before. Today, we live in a world where new technologies are playing lead roles. The changing field of IT has made great progress in the past few years. With its growing use throughout the world, IT expects more advancements in the future.

What are your expectations for the advancement of Information Technology in the future? Let us know in the comments section below!