By : Nisha Setia
Content Writer at ARK Foundations.

Monday, July 6, 2020

What Is the Future of Technology?

Imagine a world where you are living in a Smarthouse with digital walls and roofs that talk, devices that clean your body, robots that do your household chores, and a wardrobe that gives you the best fashion advice. Sounds interesting! Right? Perhaps, this might be the future of technology.

Technological innovations have made much progress in the past few years. The advancements in technology have completely transformed the way we live our lives today. The pace of life has increased significantly due to rapid improvements in this field. Technology has contributed to the refinement of communication, education, medicine, and many more.

With how important technology has become for mankind, can you imagine your future without it? Well, I guess your answer is no! We live in a technological world today. One cannot imagine even a day of his life without it.

What if someday your mobile phones, laptops, refrigerators, ACs, TVs, or vehicles disappear all together? Will you be able to survive? It's possible you can survive for a few weeks or even months, but without technology our future seems bleak. The future of humankind relies on the fact whether technological innovations prove to be beneficial or harmful for us in the years to come.

Technology in Today's World

From dusk till dawn, our lives revolve around technology. The time you wake up in the morning to the time you go back to sleep, technology drives your life forward. Even while reading this blog post, you are using the greatest innovations of technology-- either a mobile phone or a desktop. Now, we can't seem to function without technological innovations.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when the entire world is fighting against coronavirus, technology has been a consistent saviour for us. Technology is keeping the world functional in these difficult times of the lockdown. Online shopping, digital payments, virtual meetings, remote work, etc. have enabled us to strive through this pandemic and do our work steadily. According to the department of telecommunications, the internet consumption in India rose by 13% due to the nationwide lockdown, showing the increase in technological dependence. There is no denying the highly technological life has become a new normal in today's world.

Predictions for the Future of Technology

While nobody has any power to predict the future, it seems possible predicting the future of technology owing to its evolution so far.

Here are some of the future technologies that will change the world.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that enables the machines to carry out human-like tasks and adapt to the given inputs with ease. AI is programmed to exceed human intelligence in many ways. Machine learning, on the other hand, is a broad branch of AI that processes enormous amounts of data in a short span of time. The data is predicted accurately without any human intervention. 

AI is evolving rapidly and will provide various benefits for every industry in the future. It has the potential to enhance productivity and performance of industries.

  • Self-driving Vehicles

Problems like traffic delays and road accidents can be sorted to a great extent with technology like self-driving vehicles. This technology will make driving better and safer. The automated system will help drive vehicles without human commands. It will bring about a great reduction in the rate of roadway fatalities. Self-driving vehicles can increase the lane capacity and eliminate harmful emissions.

  • Space Tourism

Space tourism is one of the most promising future technologies that will bring a huge transformation in the travel industry. It would only be possible for wealthy people who could afford to spend about a week in the orbit. 

Through space tourism, exploration of space is likely to be more possible.

  • Paperless World

With the advancement of technology, the demand for paper is declining. We are moving closer towards a paperless society. Soon, paper will lose its identity. As we are heading down the path of digitalization, the day is not far when digital processes will replace a piece of paper completely. Although, paperless society is beneficial for our environment, this transition may be difficult. Going paperless is like a tedious task but it has its own perks such as, storage of data, more space on your desk, saves money, eases transfer of information, provides security, etc.

  • Personal Robots


You will have your personal robots any time soon. The way industries are using robots today to carry out their tasks for enhancing productivity, robots for your personal work will soon be available in the market. 

Personal robots will create massive value for households and professionals. This will reduce manual work to a considerable extent. The future life will be completely changed with this technology.

  • Time Machine

Time machine or time travel has always been a favorite topic among science fiction authors and movie makers. It is one of the most anticipated future technologies. Scientists have been trying to build a time machine for a very long time. This concept requires power and patience. Although travelling in time sounds far-fetched and may seem impossible. But you never know what the future generation is going to be able to do. 

  • Machine to Download Your Memories

Nowadays, forgetting things is quite normal. In our busy lives, it's normal to remind ourselves of our forgotten tasks. But what if you have access to download your memories or your brain? What if there was a machine that could store your thoughts and new memories? If any machine to download your brain ever made, mapping of thought processes would become a child's play. Perhaps, such a kind of machine could manage stress, sleep, and mental performance as well. Scientists around the world are working to build a machine that could download your memories and upload it into a computer or another machine.


Technology is advancing very quickly. The future of technology seems interesting. New ideas, new methods, new tools, and new inventions talk a lot about the future. Keeping in mind the pace of progress in technology, the future generations are going to be highly privileged to have all the technological innovations that will make their lives easier than ever before.

What is your prediction for the future of technology? Let us know in the comments section below! 

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